Wednesday 8 January 2014

New Beaded Needle Case

A sneak peak of the second needle case which I am working on :P
It will take some time because it is a more complicated pattern than the first, but I am very excited about it.

Friday 3 January 2014

Classic White Crystal Necklace

I noticed that I have been making alot of beaded figurines, so it's time for more jewellery. It took 3 attempts to get this necklace right. The first time I made it too short. The second time was good, but I missed out one crystal bead. The third time was finally perfect! 

The best thing about beading is that if you ever make mistakes, you can always cut away the thread and redo it. You just need more patience. And I am learning to be more patient as I bead. 

Another detailed shot of my necklace:

I learned how to make this necklace from B4Pbakup on youtube: